March 6, 2019 in transgender dating | Tags: let date know transgender, tell date trans
Should I tell a new person I am dating that I am trans? That is a hot topic among transgender people that are dating these days. One take away from this is that if you even have to ask this question then you are passable so congratulations! OK on a more serious note this is a question that you really need to consider. There are a lot of things that go into answering this question. When should I tell my date? How should I tell them? Should I do it in person. If so then where should I tell them? We recommend telling them before you ever go out of the first date. Be up front with them. If they don’t want to still date you that sucks but it doesn’t suck as bad as telling them in person and them leaving or even worse, hurting you. If you do want to tell them then do it in a public place where there are enough people around so if they do take it badly the chances or them harming you go down significantly. If you want to know what some other trans people think on the subject check out this post on with lots more answers.
August 18, 2017 in trans dating | Tags: local transsexuals, transgender dating

Transsexual dating is already hard enough so why make it harder. As it becomes more and more popular general/gay dating sites are trying to get in the mix. This usually doesn’t work well for transgenders looking for love. As you can read in this article about Grindr’s trans dating problem it usually doesn’t end well. You will either get harassed or members will just be asking questions.
The easiest fix to this problem is to use a an online dating site dedicated to the trans community and those wanted be meet a TS/CIS/CD. If someone is already a member of one of these sites they are there for the right reasons. A trans will not get lumped into a dating pool of people who have no interest in them. These site also usually have a better built in community for those that want to discuss issues they are having. They are more of a community where you can meet others than a site only for dating. These leads to more organic and meaningful relationships. The best transsexual dating site we have found is Trans Date. They have over 10000 members worldwide so no matter where you live you are likely to find someone.
At the end of the day remember to always be careful when meeting someone online. Always have your first date in a public place. One misconception about TS dating is that it’s only about hookups. There are a lot of guys out there that use dating sites just for that, but there are a lot of good guys out there too. If you have had a bad experience on one of the “popular” mixed dating sites don’t let it discourage you from trying it out again. We are sure by joining a trans only dating site the chances you find what you are looking for increase greatly. it’s never too late to give it a shot. True love truly could be one click away!
April 14, 2016 in Caitlyn Jenner, transgender dating | Tags: transsexual dating, transsexuals
Caitlyn Jenner recently came out and said she is not comfortable dating men until she gets her reassignment surgery. This got me thinking on whether she really wants to date guys or she feels like she should date guys. I am of the belief that you should date whomever you are attracted to. I don’t think Caitlyn is attracted to guys. I don’t think she would have been able to suppress her love for guys this long in life if she was. There is nothing that says TS have to date guys so not sure why she seems to be forcing the issue. I am not even sure she really wants to have reassignment surgery. I think she just like dressing and living as a woman. If she keeps delaying surgery then she can delay dating men and I think that is how this story ends. I am not sure she will ever have another true love in her life especially with Kardashian shadow hanging around. I found true love by dating a transgender who was comfortable in her own skin. Unfortunately that does not seem to be the case with Caitlyn.

January 16, 2014 in transexuals | Tags: transexual acceptance, transexual news makers
In the last year or so I am seeing more and more talk of transexuals in every day news. Some of it has actually been positive and uplifting like popular punk rock singer Tom Gabel coming out as transgendered and Navy seal Kristen Beck coming out as well . Some has been sad like B. Scott told to not look so girly by BET or Jessica Durling being suspended from school. Those bad incidents show that unfortunately transexuals are not considered equals yet but things are slowly turning. While being gay is considered more normal then being transgedered these days every day that passes more and more Trans people are coming out and that is great news for everyone, especially those of us that love them. I am excited at the progress that is being made and am now sure that in my lifetime we will in fact see equality for transgendered people. That was not the case even 5 years ago.
April 26, 2011 in tranny dating, trans date | Tags: local shemales, shemale contacts, ts dating
So I have found a great trans dating site for all of you that may be having trouble finding a trans woman in your area. My favorite part about this site is that there are tons of TS women on the site so no matter where you live there is a good chance you can find someone. If any of you find someone special on Trans Date please let me know I would love to hear some success stories.
April 26, 2011 in tranny cams, transsexual chat | Tags: free trans cams, free trans webcams, shemale live chat
If there are any of you out there that are still unsure I have found a site where you can chat live with a transsexual to see if you have a connection. Free Tranny Cams lets you search through 100’s of beautiful trans women and pick 1 or more that you like and ask questions and figure out if you truly have a connection. If you already know you love trans women this is a great place to satisfy all your needs. Click Here and check it out for free now.
November 23, 2010 in transexual escorts | Tags: ts escorts
I have gotten a few emails from guys who say that they have gone the escort route but have never thought about actually dating a transexual. With the growth of the internet and the rise of many easy ways to find escorts on the internet I realize it is easily accessible to find a “good time” without having to try that hard. Honestly I have never engaged in this behavior but that is only because of personal choicenot because I think it is wrong. I chose to go a different route once i got curious but I cant blame someone for trying it out with an escort first. I guess though like with everything you must be careful and realize you are not getting the true experience. You are getting your fantasy fulfilled and if that is what you are looking for more power to you. If you are really thining about making this your lifestyle though i would say go out and try to meet trans that havent chosen to do this with thier lives. I think you will notice quite a different experience and one you are more likely to enjoy.
November 23, 2010 in transexual love | Tags: ts love
I still remember the first time i felt that truly special feeling of love for a person who i didnt think I could live without. We had hung out and been intimate many times. I still remember thinking i have fallen for two people as I of course had seen both sides of this person. To be honest it was quite odd but very exhilirating at the same time. This person could not live thier life as a full TS because of certain circumstances but I felt the equal love no matter what. I loved that they were so rounded and was so comfortable with themself. Eventually feelings faded as we realized we werent truly right for each other but it left me feeling that I had truly turned the corner in my life and that made me happy.
November 23, 2010 in transexuals, ts lovers | Tags: hot ts, sexy transexual
I have noticed that throughout my time as a TS lover that it is becoming more prominent every single day. The thing I love is meeting someone like me who you would have never expected to be a TS lover or even a TS. The shock factor has worn off through the years as I meet more and more people like me. This probably is due to the fact that the quality of TS has vastly improved in recent years. I mean there are some seriously hot mammas out there these days lol. I think as this continues more and more people will realize that they are TS lovers or at the very least will get curious. We all know what happens once you get curious. Let me know if you have noticed the same trend.
November 3, 2010 in transexual, transexual date | Tags: date transexual, dating a ts, transexual dating, TS bar
So I was living in Denver at the time and through a search on the internet i found a TS bar that was having a party. I figured this would be as good a time as any to check out this lifestyle which intrigued me. I was nervous all day leading up to the party so once i got off work i decided to have a few drinks before I left my place. Once i got there I just kind of soaked it all in. The people were very friendly which i kind of expected. After a little while I felt much more comfortable and decided to start mingling. Luckily the alcohol made me much more talkative then I normally am. So I appraoched on beautiful TS and we started talking although she was very friendly we didnt really click. The chances were good that we wouldnt considering i had never interacted with a TS beofre but it did make me more comfortable. So after making a few rounds and talking a bit more i found one TS that I did click with. Her name was Alexandra. She was tall and beautiful but mostly she was someone I could easily talk to. I had never had such an easy time talking to a women before. Well as they say one thing led to another and i asked her if she wanted to go back to my place. I figured if this was gonna be my new way of living i mind as well jump in feet first (that plus all the alcohol i guess). Much to my pleasure she said yes so we headed back to my place for one of the most amazing nights of my life. From that day on I have been hooked. Thank you Alexandra whereever you are!